Friday, May 17, 2013

Happy Friday People! Theme Songs to Kick Off Your Weekend!

Sorry for being MIA the past few days folks. It's been a BANANAS hectic week what with working at my day job, working out, planning/executing a balls out trip to Walmart (I've got some new stuff to review this weekend btw), The Office Series Finale, Vampire Diaries Season Finale (YAY they brought back Jeremy aka Steven R. McQueen whom I have a serious teenybopper crush on.. Just FYI, this kid is Steve McQueen's grandson, as in the star of Bullet), avoiding some dude I don't want to talk to, and semi-stalking my new neighbors to figure out who these weird people are. This has taken a ridiculous amount of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual energy from me and I'm freaking exhausted.

Anyway, here are your theme songs.. I'm still stuck in Prodigy mode. Here is something I've barely had time to do today.... Breathe with me!

Prodigy - BREATHE

Also another little epic gem I discovered during my workout the other night courtesy of Slacker Radio. They were so ahead of their time it's freaking ridiculous. LOVE THEM.

Prodigy - Girls


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