Random Stories of the Day

Here are my Random Stories of the Day about my various adventures and thoughts:

Keep Your Property of HOR Stickers Off Miss Slik's Bitches
More Fun with Neil the Losery Stalker... A War of Internet Mediums
Fun with Neil the Losery Stalker!
Who the F Dares to Troll Miss Slik?
Who the Fuck is this Bottom-Feeding Losery Stalker Groupie Douche?!?
Part 7: Conclusion of the FCKC War With ACI - Closing Thoughts

The FCKC War with ACI Part 5: The Judges, The Judging, and the Outdated, Arbitrarily Non-Officially Changed Rules
Another FCKC War With ACI Footnote: LULZ For Your Friday...

The FCKC War with ACI - Part 4: More Aftermath and F You to Some People
The FCKC War with ACI - Part Three: The Aftermath and Love to Glenn

FCKC War Footnote - Miss Slik's Advice On Burning Bridges and BONUS THEME SONG!

Just a Small Break From The Rest of Karaoke Drama For Tonight Because Honey Badger Is Tired

The FCKC War with ACI - Part Two: The Incident at The Fair Friday Night

The FCKC War with ACI - Part One
OH MAH GOD! I Fucking LOVE Major Lazer!!!

Honey Badger Has Fallen and She Can't Get Up

Random Story of the Day: My Arm Is Tired of Being Violated

Random Story of the Day: My Thoughts on VH1's Master of the Mix and Female DJ's

20 Minutes of Ass Kicking Yoga with Sara Ivanhoe via YouTube

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