I started this blog as a creative outlet to express myself and do something I'm extremely passionate about.. and also to stop bogging down people's Facebook news feeds with super long status updates. I love writing and believe the power and effect of the written word is immeasurable. I've always been an extremely outspoken person (probably the understatement of the century) and an avid storyteller. But, growing up I was that nerdy, weird girl who had A LOT to say but never quite knew the right way to say it. Most kids just saw me as too different and did not appreciate the thoughts I had to offer so I was teased, tormented, ridiculed, bullied, and even ostracized.
Fortunately, I was blessed with a resilient spirit so I refused to let the pain caused by those children's words get the best of me or make me change who I am at my core because I have always believed that there is nothing wrong with daring to be different.. and more importantly, daring to be yourself... which I have always done because I just can't help myself. Fish gotta swim. Birds gotta fly. Sammy Davis Jr. said it best.. "I gotta be me."
Even when I've tried toning it down for the sake of fitting in, I still couldn't sustain for long. You can paint a zebra to look like a horse and it may fool the other horses for awhile. But sooner or later it's going to rain and the reality of the situation is, you can't hide a fucking zebra because it makes a very stupid looking horse... and that's OK because zebras are dope just the way they are.
See.. Look at those judgey horses standing around being jealous haters of that awesome zebra...
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http://imgkid.com/zebras-and-horses-mating.shtml |
Well, this zebra stopped giving a fuck and I guess somehow I finally found the right way to say all those words I was bursting to get out... and part of what helped that is writing. It gives me time to think and edit my thoughts so I can put the best and clearest version of them out. I spend hours on each and every one of these posts and pour the core of myself into them along with every thought and feeling I have at that time. When I'm done with each post, I'm totally drained, my brain is fried, and I feel vulnerable and exposed.
But then I sit back and watch the read count go up on the posts and it makes every bit of what I put out there of myself worth it. This blog and your reaction to it have validated that nerdy, weird little girl I was and the still nerdy, weird, crazy, off the wall woman I am today and all the energetic rants and wild stories and dissenting opinions I have dared to share with the world.. Because ya'll like it and want more of it and that's what matters to me. So fuck all those dumbass hater kids.
I've been checking the Blogger stats daily and they are just astounding. MSG2L's regular readership has doubled and is reaching new people all over the world every day as we speak... India, Turkey, Iran, Ukraine... Apparently, the folks in France are absolutely loving MSG2L and it is the #2 country with the most readers behind the United States with 28 views this month and 617 all time. Je veux dire merci à tous mes lecteurs français. Je te aime et se il vous plaît continuez à lire.
I just had to share this...
Here is the past month since I got back on the blog..
And here is All Time...
I know hundreds and thousands may not seem like much. But, to me that is definitely something because it shows that my little blog has serious potential. This inspires me to keep going and growing because I believe those numbers could be hundreds of thousands and maybe even millions at some point. With your help and support, MSG2L can and will take over the world.
Many of you know that I've been working diligently during this past month to make several improvements to the blog. First there was the revamp and rebranding changing it from Miss Slik's Guide to Gracefully Faking it Through Life to the new Miss Slik's Guide 2 Life. This change was one of the best decisions I've made because having a more simplified, memorable name and url has made it so much easier to quickly let people know about the blog. MSG2L has generated a buzz that I'm not just hoping, but wholeheartedly believe, will become a loud roar.
I'm also excited to announce that this week I also finally became a legitimate, verifiable journalist with an official press pass and credentials. I joined the United States Press Association and even had a very nice and invaluable conversation with its director when he called me personally to rectify the situation with the mistakes on my Press ID. We spoke for about an hour and he informed me of all the resources I'm now able to take advantage of offered by the US Press Association that will help improve my blog and enable it to grow even more. He also gave me some free legal advice on my Dating Douchebags segments to keep me out of hot legal water... which I totally appreciate and took to heart.
Additionally, I'm making strides towards expanding the content of the blog so I can bring you more of the segments you love along with new segments I am very excited about kicking off. My goal is to make MSG2L a more comprehensive Guide 2 Life and become not only a resource for knowing what's good... But a taste maker, innovator, creator, and forecaster of what's new and next.
To meet this goal, I've been speaking to some friends about doing weekly articles on music and product testing. I'm currently in search of some additional writers who are interested in doing regular segments on food, fashion, and event reviews as well and am open to any suggestions that you think should be a regular facet of MSG2L.
I'm also still trying to get the Underbutt Movement off the ground to rival The Chive because Underboobs are played out and that KCCO shit is annoying as fuck. Twerking isn't going anywhere if I have anything to say about it and booties that bounce are what's poppin. I myself am a proud member of Twerkaholics Anonymous and big booty hoe for life. So in the words of Nicki Minaj, "Where my fat ass bitches in the club? Fuck them skinny bitches." You know I still love you too skinny bitches so please don't feel bad.
Anyway, so if you're feelin me and you write and you're interested in being apart of MSG2L as either a guest or regular contributor then please feel free to submit some of your writing samples to me at AskMissSlik@gmail.com. Just remember to be honest, funny, and most importantly, use plenty of curse words... Cause if it doesn't have enough 4 letter words, particularly the word "fuck" used at least twice then MSG2L is probably not the media outlet for you. I look forward to reading what ya'll have to say.
As I said before, we need to rival The Chive, so I'm looking into hopefully getting some merchandise for the blog out there like stickers and awesome t-shirts that say something less annoying than "Keep Calm and Chive On"... Plus maybe even some MSG2L red flags and stalker alert sirens for you to use when dating your own douchebags and psychos. I've been trying to find a good hookup for that, so if you or someone you know can help with that then please holler at me at AskMissSlik@gmail.com. The budget is small. But I have zero problems giving your companies all kinds of shameless promotion in exchange. I would even like to get some freebies, giveaways, discounts, coupons, and contests going for the MSG2L readers and would definitely appreciate hearing from companies interested in helping with that.
Finally, I want to remind everyone to please make sure you're clicking Subscribe on the blog page because it's free and I have zero subscribers. This is important because even though I know you're reading MSG2L regularly, Blogger and whoever the people are out there who do the blog rankings don't.. and they should. Blogs get ranked on popularity based on things like number of subscribers. You can also comment on every blog post at the bottom with your own thoughts and opinions, which I totally encourage you to do since I want to know what ya'll think. Plus the number of comments also contribute to the rankings and I want MSG2L to be #1 dammit!
I also ask that you please go "Like" the MSG2L Facebook Page if you haven't already. So far there are 124 page likes and if you're one of those 124 people then you rock and thank you. Let's get that number up! I update the MSG2L Facebook Page as soon as I publish new articles on the blog.. So if you "Like" the page then those posts will show in your news feed. You can also share posts you like and even share the page to your own profiles so all your friends can know what the fuck you're laughing at and become MSG2L fans too. Just in case you didn't know, there is also a little Share button at the bottom of every post on the mobile version and a Share bar at the bottom of every desktop version so you can share posts to Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and even Pinterest.
Here is the Mobile Version...
Here is the Desktop Version...
So in closing... THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has supported the blog since the beginning... especially Phil Scott because he actually bugged me during every hiatus I took to get back on the blog and he is my #1 super fan. Thank you to all my new supporters who are getting into the blog. It may take you a minute to get caught up since there are almost 100 posts now. But if you take the time I promise you won't be sorry. And thank you to Mr. Dreamy for having that discussion with me that prompted me to get back on the blog. I'm glad we got things resolved and sorry I called you a dick. Lastly, to everyone, please keep reading because there is sooo much more to come!
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