
Thursday, August 1, 2013

More Fun with Neil the Losery Stalker... A War of Internet Mediums

Seems like our good friend Neil just can't help himself today... As mentioned in my previous post Fun with Neil the Losery Stalker! Neil threatened to blow me up on his radio show... which he made good on... sort of.. I think I'm supposed to be this Viki Slick person he talks about even though it's not my name. Though it is very hard to tell through all the heavy mouth-breathing like psychopaths do on the phone... I feel like he should be doing the voices of Simpsons characters at the comic book shop.

It's called Elektron Radio - Taking out the trash on Viki Slick and all I can say is I got served yo... Again, Leslie Chow jacking off dice rolling hand gestures... One of my favorite parts was when he said I looked like a man and a drag queen. Neil, drag queens are fabulous and maybe the reason you're not quite sure what a woman looks like is because no woman has ever wanted to touch you in your special place.. probably because they couldn't find it. 

Oh, another priceless part was the throwback shout out to Larry Ho when he said he didn't want to end up back in jail with rapists and murderers... Let's not forget psycho stalkers who harass young, attractive women at their places of employment. Those fuckers end up in prison too... Though somehow I have a feeling you're headed for a psych ward instead.

I also loved the part where he said no one was reading my blog and I "look like a goddamn fool"... Now first, you should not take the Lord's name in vain Neil! Second, I have to give credit where credit is due. Jake Komara aka Reed Rothchild, you are the fucking man and you rock and I heart you for being awesome! I honestly can't thank you enough for sharing my articles and getting my obscure little blog noticed by people who are now reading it and liking it. It honestly is overwhelming. This is a massive part of why you have become my favorite person/Tigerbeat crush of the week and endeared yourself to me.

Neil also unblocked me on Facebook so he could tag me in the post...

Not sure which part annoys me more... Him spelling my name wrong or calling me a bitch because of his mistake. All I could think was "Oh No he didn't!"

I at least let him know say my name fat fuck boy. Get it right!

Also, I noticed when he unblocked me he had posted a status update about HOR and Jake that I got a slight kick out of...

I've got news for you Neil. Jake and HOR are not writing anything about you anymore. I am! You started this shit because you felt the need to stalk my DJ profile and be a dumbass fucktard since you have way too much time on your hands and are batshit fucking crazy... and you just keep going and putting yourself out there and embarrassing yourself more. That's why you're a target. Stop getting so fucking hyper and try chilling out. You should've replaced meth with weed... though that would not help your weight problem. My suggestion would be quaaludes if they still existed.

Does the URL of my blog say Head of Rothchild? No, it does not. All Jake is doing is passing along info, pics, sharing my posts, laughing at your psychotic behavior and stupidity, sending me backup screenshots, and actually defending himself because you keep attacking him and blaming him for things that he did not do. 

However, I will say that Neil, you are still, and always will be Property of HOR. I'm just renting you for a few days for my own amusement and entertainment like I would a movie or a bouncy castle. After that you go back.

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