
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Miss Slik Would Be a Slutty CSW for the Head of Rothchild...

Just in case you didn't know, my new little crush is Jake Komara aka Reed Rothchild. I had some very lovely chats with him whilst discussing Stalker Neil and I've been feeling all 12 year old Tiger Beat Teenybopper ever since... especially because I managed to confirm that he is single. Game fucking on...

And cue Marvin Gaye as I attempt to publicly put the moves on Jake via the interwebz...

You know what I love about this picture? He's so relaxed in this "Come hither girl" sort of pose.. You know what they say about DJ's right? They're good with their hands. 

It's actually this pic of him grilling the CDJ that did it for me though. I really do need a towel to wipe my leg every time I look at it...

I'd let him scoop me in a hearse too. It's different... very Adam's Family meets rap video since it's white... Could be hot in a semi-morbid way to get it on in one... provided there were no coffins with actual corpses in the back of course.

This one is also very scrumptious. I'm diggin the gun tattoos. Obviously as a gun owner I tend to dig gun-related things.. except crime because that is bad. (Correction: I was informed the morning of 8/21/13 by my Facebook friend Alan that those are actually bacon tattoos. I like that better because I heart bacon. It adds to Jake's scrumptiousness factor.)

He changed his hairstyle recently and now he looks sort of like Eminem. For some reason though the Real Slim Shady still does it for me in a major way. 

Sadly, he ended his blog HOR a couple weeks ago. I have invited him to guest on my blog though any time he feels the inclination to write again. Hopefully he will take me up on it. In the meantime, let's see if this post gets him to come down to Virginia. 

He's got a thing for Uncle Julio's Rio Grande. Y'all know Mexican food is my jam and I moved to this location 5 years ago specifically because of its proximity to Rio Grande in psychic anticipation of this situation. I'm trying to get him to take me out for some pork tamales. It needs to happen. 

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