
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Happy Tuesday People! Some Theme Songs for Your Day.... Warm Up to the FCKC War!

I've been gone for a minute (well a week actually) but now I'm back with the jump-off. I was a busy little bee getting ready for the Wild Card round of the Fairfax County Karaoke Championship at Celebrate Fairfax, then competing in it, and then dealing with the aftermath. I've actually been refraining from posting anything because I started a war this past weekend over a BS situation that occurred Friday night. 

Now I wanted to wait until I get all the facts about as straight as they can be before really digging in. Why? Because even though Miss Slik's Guide to Gracefully Faking It Through Life is just some obscure little blog, I take it pretty seriously. We are a public news medium in some capacity and I'd like to maintain some level of journalistic integrity. So if I'm going to hate on somebody publicly to the world, I'd prefer to do it in about as fair a manner as I'm capable of. Plus, while we can say quite a lot that is technically covered under the First Amendment's freedom of speech and press, before we go attacking a company i.e. Associate Consultants Inc. (ACI) and discussing comments made by the head honcho of Celebrate Fairfax it's probably best to CYOA to an extent.

But, we'll get into all of that later. In the meantime, here are some theme songs for your day that seem to keep recurring as part of mine much to my shigrin...

First, we will be discussing and breaking down this song in great detail in a post to follow. I used to like it and still think Gretchen Wilson is the jam.. but now this song will forever irk me and give me nightmares purely because of what happened at The Fair...

Gretchen Wilson - Redneck Woman

And also this song which I definitely hate and find to be one of the most annoying songs ever written, performed, played, etc...

All American Rejects - Gives You Hell

Now, I'm going to share some snippets of posts off my own private Facebook profile that I'm really still not sorry about along with some much more entertaining theme songs I actually do quite enjoy. These are all dedicated to Glenn, owner of ACI, who was extremely rude to me, called me a sore loser, and claimed a list of "Clean" songs was basically infallible. I later determined that it was not by finding at least 100 songs that are extremely questionable. Let me also point out really quick that I was accused by the host of the FC Karaoke Championship, Mr. Fingaz, of being drunk when I put these posts up on my Facebook profile. Well, I wasn't then. I'm definitely still stone cold sober now. And guess what? I still feel exactly the same way. Again, we will get into more of this later...

First up...

"I'd like to dedicate this to Glenn from ACI who told me 'hell' is not considered a curse word and they did not make any mistakes with the 'Clean' song list that was released. Well, I combed that list and found this little gem on it that I wish I'd known I was allowed to sing at the Fair. I'd have even had a prop I could've used for extra points."

Cypress Hill - Hits From the Bong

***Disclaimer - We here at MSGTGFITL do not seriously advocate the performance of this song at any public or private family-friendly event regardless because our official public stance is drugs are bad and kids should say No to them. This has been a PSA courtesy of H.R.M. Queen of Fairfax Miss Niki Slik.


"Also would like to dedicate this one that was on the list to our special friend Glenn at ACI... List is "Clean" huh? So if I'd been droppin N-bombs at the Fair then that would've been OK?..."

Cypress Hill - Insane in the Brain

And last but not least...

"Also dedicated to Glenn... Another so-called "Clean" song from the list for the Fair... Cause if I sang this song I'm sure the lady with her small children at the pizza truck would've really appreciated it... or at least her husband might have anyway... "

Nine Inch Nails - Closer

Just FYI, I'm kidding. I would never really have performed any of these songs whether I'd been allowed to or not. It would've been in extremely bad taste... much like I'm sure this entire post is.. but whatever.. It was in bad taste to insult me in the first place.

Loads more to come as we go balls deep into this drama so check back in a bit! Told ya we'd be getting more candid...

Lastly, I would like to leave you with a quote from one of my favorite movies, Almost Famous... This is from the scene where William (Patrick Fugit) calls Lester Bangs (Philip Seymour Hoffman) and Lester gives him some advice...

"The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what we share with someone else when we're uncool." He goes on to say "My advice to you. I know you think those guys are your friends. You wanna be a true friend to them? Be honest, and unmerciful."

Don't forget that at the end of the day, if you cross me in a professional capacity then heaven help you because I'm not your friend at that point.... I am the enemy!

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