
Monday, May 20, 2013

Random Story of the Day: My Arm Is Tired of Being Violated

I'm feeling very tired this evening. Every time I go to the doctor, I keep leaving feeling like a giant pin cushion. Look at my arm. It looks like I either got attacked by a small-mouthed vampire or a very large-mouthed bat.. or like I'm a junkie... none of which are good things.

Today was a follow-up for my bronchitis. Apparently I still have a low grade fever.. YAY for me. I told her I had a few questions based on Googling the results of my blood test from my physical last month. There were some things that were slightly too low and others that were slightly too high. The combination of these blood things indicate, according to Google, one or more of the following... a possible iron deficiency, slight anemia, and/or a thyroid issue. 

Now I'm not a hypochondriac so I wouldn't have brought it up if I hadn't heard these things mentioned as possible issues multiple times over the past 15 years. Any one of these things can be contributing to my honey badger binge eating. Thyroid problems, both hyper and hypo, run in my family and my mom recently found out she had some issues with hers so this is something I actually need to look out for. My doctor agreed.So more blood had to be taken in order to check for these issues along with a possible B-12 deficiency. 

Well, I did some more Googling and low and behold, it turns out there is such a thing called "Iron Deficiency Anemia". Sounds super serious right? It's really not. It just means I need to eat more things that are rich in heme iron (iron more easily absorbed into the body from meat) and take more Vitamin C to help my body absorb it easier. Non heme iron is good too (iron from enriched products like certain cereals and veggies)

So back to Walmart I went in search of iron rich foods including a large package of salmon, smoked oysters, and some Honey Nut Cheerios. I feel like I'm draggin ass some days and I think it's because I need more of iron. I've been keeping my food diary again pretty religiously and I know I wasn't getting nearly enough protein until recently. *Fingers crossed* these little diet changes will make the difference. I'll keep ya'll posted.

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