
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Honey Badger Has Fallen and She Can't Get Up

Honey Badger gives a shit. Honey Badger doesn't really want to eat anything right now. She worked out for a little bit and now she's stuck on the floor listening to dubstep. Honey Badger is tired and she just wants to take a shower and go to sleep.

So as I mentioned earlier today, it turns out I have a B12 Deficiency. My shrink complimented me this evening on my "detective work" to find that out. He asked me what prompted me to Google my blood test results. I told him "If I get a test back that says 'abnormal' for anything then I'm going to find out what that means and why it's like that. It's not like I WebMD-ed myself into having Crohn's disease. The stuff that came up was all things I've heard before that doctors had been watching." He said he wished all patients paid more attention to those things.

Quite frankly, I'm surprised more people don't heed medical warnings and advice about a variety of things. I finally listened to my doctor and quit smoking. I listened to my doctor and have been lowering my sodium intake. I gain a few pounds and my doc tells me to watch my fat intake, I cut it and drop the weight. She recommends these things for my benefit, health, and overall well-being, not her own. If I down large containers of salt, gain 100 lbs, smoke like a chimney, and die from a massive coronary and or stroke then it's really no skin off her nose. Obviously she cares and would be sad if I died... But probably not that sad considering if I'd taken her advice then I'd theoretically still be alive.

Anyway, my shrink is now holding off on renewing my antidepressants because he agreed that I may not need them anymore. He remembered how much better I'd felt last year when I started taking B12 at the advice of a friend after giving up coffee for Lent. Wish I'd known at the time that was why so I could've kept taking them. I'd stopped my antidepressants because I was exhibiting overdose symptoms. Since B12 deficiency causes depression among other things, he thought it best we wait to see if that makes a difference like it did last year. YaY for me. That's one less medication I have to take.

Now, the only problem right now is I feel like ass on a stick. I actually didn't feel this tired before I started taking the supplements. My doctor advised me to take 1,000mg but that didn't feel like it was doing anything. I've been taking 2,000mg instead and it's helping a little.. just not enough. I have a feeling I'm cruising for shots... which does not sound like fun to me. 

I believe I got this deficiency as a result of my ulcer and acid reflux issues I got from popping ibuprofen like candy for years while they tried to figure out that I have 2 ruptured discs in my neck. If that's the reason then I can't produce the intrinsic factor that breaks down the B12 in my body.. meaning I could pop this whole bottle of B12 and it wouldn't make a damn bit of difference because my body just can't absorb it.

Either way, I'm exhausted so I will continue catching y'all up tomorrow.

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