
Sunday, April 28, 2013

WTF is Miss Slik's Guide to Gracefully Faking It Through Life ALL About Exactly?!?!

Now that the initial shock has worn off, I know you're DYING to find out.. Well then, let’s get down to some housekeeping for a sec. I’m all about bringing order to chaos… especially when that chaos is my own. So what am I going to do with this blog? The answer really is whatever the fuck I want. Before we go any further, be forewarned that I curse A LOT. Don’t lie, you know you do too. But if you have a problem with it then this probably isn’t the site for you. Just sayin. Moving on…

So this is a guide to life right? I’m a 29 year old single woman. If you are a single person in your late 20’s-early 30’s then you know exactly what that is like. All my friends are either married, married with kids, engaged, engaged with kids, or in serious relationships that are heading in that direction… OH WAIT! can't forget my bitter divorcee friends. But me, I'm all alone. It is Me, Myself, and I, Party of ONE. I’m the one at the singles table prowling the streets of the DC suburbs in search of my prince. I live in Fair Lakes which is a ridiculously expensive area so I’m ballin on a hardcore budget. How do I look so fabulous? By being one super thrifty MoFo! I will give you all my tips and tricks. I will also tell you how my ass both got to be and also how it has stayed a size 4 for the past 2 years because it wasn’t for a long time. Soooo most of my topics will center around things like dating, fashion and trends on a budget, fitness and diet tips, reviews of movies I’ve seen (not necessarily new ones since I’m not that cool), reviews on places I go to, reviews on products I try, stories of my random adventures, and various DIY projects because I get inspired to make things a lot.

Next, we’ll talk about dating. It sucks. I’ve been doing it since I was 15 and am convinced the only good things that can come from it are free food and drinks. It’s hard out there for a pimp and the reality is it is just getting harder the older I get. I’m on a dating website at the moment because the traditional way wasn’t really working out for me so I had to resort to finding dates on the internet. But whether it’s in a bar or online, I’m just not finding what I’m looking for. Somehow though, I remain eternally optimistic that I am not doomed to die alone. There has got to be somebody great out there. I’m just so tired of looking because this shit is freaking exhausting. It would be awesome if Mr. Right were to fall through my ceiling right now. God are you listening? Do you hear me? If you do then please send me a sign in 5-4-3-2-1-NOW…. And........ Nothing… If only it really were that simple. People I know you’re feelin me on this. Can I get a witness?

If I can be honest for a minute I will tell you my main motivation for starting this blog aside from having a little place all my own to dominate and air my every thought out, I WANT LOTS OF FREE SHIT!!! Yeah, I ain’t too proud to sell out so if you want to send me things to try out or send me to places or do things for me in exchange for some shameless promotions from me then please go right ahead and do that. When I say things and stuff the list includes, but is not limited too, beauty products, clothing, shoes, accessories, haircuts, manicures, pedicures, cool things for my apartment, tickets to events, recipes, food stuff, etc. If I like whatever it is then I will rep it like it’s my job because I truly believe in my heart that if something is good then EVERYBODY should know about it and use it. 

***For my readers-If you like my blog then please go to the very bottom of a post and look for the hyperlinks that say “SUBSCRIBE” and click on them. If you really like my blog then you should also hit those little hyperlinks that let you share it on various social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc. This is pretty crucial according to the research I did when I started this blog because it is the only way I will get free stuff to talk about and more importantly, how TIME Magazine will pluck my little blog from obscurity and rank it amongst the others and then declare it officially as the BEST BLOG EVER!

Finally, I encourage you to comment on the stuff I write so please feel free to find the little "Comments" sections at the bottom of each entry and have at it. I want to know what you think, how you feel, hear stories of your own experiences, and even call me out if you believe I'm full of shit or disagree with me IN A NICE WAY. I ask that you please be respectful to me and my readers when commenting because nobody likes a douchebag. Thank you in advance. Also, if you feel like hollering at me directly I've created a special email just for ya'll. It is

OK, now that our proverbial house is clean we can proceed from the general to the specific… Stay tuned because there is LOTS more to come! I’ve got some way cool things to talk about!

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