
Friday, April 26, 2013


It has been suggested to me by several of my friends on Facebook that I should take my random stories of the day and little anecdotes and start a blog. This was probably suggested because they were tired of my page long posts dominating their News Feeds. However, I'd like to believe it was suggested to me because they find my stories funny, witty, irreverent, and interesting. So here it is. Welcome to my new blog! Make yourself at home. You might want to grab a snack, maybe pour yourself some wine (you'll soon find I'm very big on the wine thanks to KLG & Hoda), and settle in. I've taken the liberty of including below some of my compiled Facebook Random Stories of the Day and a few little stories from the past 6 months to kind of help get you familiarized with me and give you an idea of where I'm planning to go with this... "This" meaning my life which I still have no clue about and every day is like a work in progress. I will be posting new things often along with some pictures and whatnot. Feel free to comment and make suggestions. DO NOT feel free to be douchey when leaving comments (we'll call that Ground Rule #1). Anyway, I hope ya'll like it!

3/23/2013 – Random Story of the Day and Day #5 of being Smoke-Free... As part of my plan to replace smoking with exercise I'm going down to the fitness center at my complex for maybe the 3rd time ever. It is entirely possible I've just spent more time preparing to go to the fitness center than I actually intend to spend in the fitness center. I don't know what to wear to look like I fit in because last time some super skinny girl in spandex made me feel frumpy. I wish I had a leotard and leggings like Olivia Newton John or maybe a black leotard and some leg warmers like whatsherface in Flashdance... but unfortunately, I do not so I opted for a tank top and some clamdigger sweat pants. At least I do have a nice sweatband though. Either way, I have some mad cheesy 80's songs on my workout playlist and this is happening.

3/15/2013 – Random Story of the Day: This shot allergy situation has really screwed me up. I was out of stuff and had intended to go grocery shopping after I got off work Tuesday night... which didn't end up happening because I started feeling crappy that evening after I got the pneumonia vaccine. So I went after work today with the intention of only getting a few things I needed before going home to OD on Benadryl. A few things turned into a full cart.. which then turned into a full trunk... I thought as I walked out of Walmart to my car that, while I made necessary purchases and had only deviated slightly from my list I made Tuesday, I was perhaps a bit short sighted and this plan had not been thought out well enough. So I stood outside Walmart for awhile staring at my trunk and scratching my head wondering how the hell I was going to get all the groceries I bought out of it and carry it from the parking lot, to the courtyard, and up 3 flights of stairs to my apartment with only one good arm and my strong hand... I also had to factor in my suitcase I call a purse, my laptop, and of course, my extra large Slurpee. It took me 3 trips carrying heavy bags with my good left arm and light bags in my right hand with a brief pause for an asthma attack after the second trip.. But I did it. That ladies and gentlemen is a tribute to just how much will power and sheer determination I'm filled with.. and also how my ass stays a size 4. The moral of the story is: Don't ever get a pneumonia vaccine... and if you do, don't go balls out at Walmart while you still have a gimpy arm. No good can come of it.

3/8/2013 – Random Story of the Day: Watching this Bible miniseries on the History Channel, it occurs to me, wtf happened since Biblical times? We don't do all the same things in the name of God anymore so I guess that's why we don't get the same level of miracles. I don't know where to get my hands on an actual live lamb or a goat. Just wondering though if I sacrifice like a rack of lamb from Safeway would that be enough for God to let me turn water into wine or maybe part like a pond or a large puddle or something? I mean, racks of lamb aren't cheap but that wine trick could be pretty useful and I just paid my water bill. 

2/19/2013 – Random Story of the Day: Remember how when you were a kid every time Mother's Day or Father's Day rolled around you asked your parents "When is Kid's Day?" They would laugh and say something like "Every day is Kid's Day." At least that's the answer I always got. The whole reason these holidays for parents exist is to show them appreciation for all they do for us. But when we were kids our parents planted seeds in our heads that one day it would be our turn and we'd be taking care of them. If I knew the full extent of what I was agreeing to as a child I'd have advocated for that Kid's Day way harder or said "Well, when you're old then every day will be Parents' Day so it all evens out." Now it seems those tables have turned and I'm having to bug my parents about going to doctors, help them with things around the house, drive them places, run errands for them, get them to eat healthier, take vitamins, etc... basically all the things to help take care of them because they aren't as able to do it themselves either physically or have become laxed with regard to these things. The only difference is when we were kids if we didn't do the things our parents wanted us to do for our health and well-being then they could make us do it. We don't have the same ability to punish our parents for not listening to us and doing as we say even though it's for their own good. I spent months convincing my mom to go to the doctor for a checkup and when she finally went they found things that if she'd let go any longer could and would have been much more serious. Today I spent all afternoon and evening of my holiday off work straightening my parents' house, helping my dad organize and make dinner, taking down a Christmas tree, explaining to my dad why it isn't normal to keep a giant bag filled with empty coffee canisters, meanwhile convincing him to get to the doctor because I'm concerned he's been showing early signs of dementia as well as other physical issues, subjecting myself to his stubbornness and mood swings all while being mauled by a small, extremely hyper cocker spaniel. Why would I do this? Because I love my parents and it seems I have now entered the phase of life where it's my turn to begin to take care of them. As I drove home it occurred to me that there really should be a Kid's Day or some kind of Parental Caregiver's Day to celebrate everyone out there who looks out for their parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, former guardians, adopted older parental figures, etc. The reward of parenting is watching your child grow up and blossom.. Parental Caregivers don't get that. The rewards for them are very different. They come in small victories of getting your parent to a doctor and sighs of relief that they caught something early enough to be treated... and also from helping your dad to calm down long enough from being frazzled to make the best green bean bake EVER. The moral of the story is: I'm starting a letter writing campaign to Hallmark to get Kid's Day declared an official holiday because I think everyone who does this deserves an annual day of appreciation and celebration. It is a potential gold mine for all companies who perpetuate holidays of this nature and I for one would like a card and maybe some flowers and also a coffee mug that says World's Best Daughter because that would be awesome.

2/18/2013 - Random Story of the Day: So yesterday was like Baby's 1st Anti-Aging Cream Buying experience. It annoys me when older ladies tell me I'm too young for all that. Damn right I look young for my age. It's good genes and I get it from my mama. But tell that to the deep-set worry line in my forehead I've had for the past 4 years and the little smile lines I'm starting to get around my eyes and mouth. I'm trying to stay looking good for the rest of my life. It's all about maintenance, preventative measures, and preservation. I'm almost 30 which means it's time for a night cream. Night creams are different from day moisturizers because they are thicker and more intensive. So I did some research and found out that I don't need to go balls out on some expensive cream I can't really afford. L'Oréal Paris, Garnier, Olay, and Neutrogena have really stepped up their anti-aging game and have excellent products ranging from $11-$25. The Walmart in Fair Lakes has an entire anti-aging aisle in which I stood for about an hour yesterday googling and reading boxes trying to figure out which cream I wanted to try out. I ended up going with L'Oréal Paris Revitalift Anti-Wrinkle + Firming Night Cream for $12 to help my little lines and prevent new ones and Garnier Skin Renew Dark Spot Corrector for $15 because I have some red spots on my cheeks from acne scarring. Well it's too soon to tell on the night cream... But, I'll be damned if in just one use my acne spots are not lighter today thanks to the Garnier Spot Corrector. This stuff just might be a miracle in a tube. I LOVE products that do exactly what they're supposed to do faster and better than I anticipate them to work. If you have acne marks on your face then I'm highly recommending that you pick some of this corrector and try it for yourself. This post may seem kind of ridiculous but anti-aging is like a brand new world and unfamiliar territory filled with magic miracle tonics being pedalled by sheisty individuals claiming to have the fountain of youth in a jar. I'm not trying to get robbed for my vanity while attempting to keep my face in good shape since I'm stuck with it for another 50-70 years. Immediately finding something that works on my first attempt is like a massive victory. The moral of the story is, like it or not, anybody who's in their late 20's and older then you're in the same 'grown and sexy and intent on staying that way' boat that I'm in. Grab an oar and start paddling and welcome to that aisle of Walmart because that is where you live now.

12/29/2012 – Random Story of the Day: My plan for this week was to de-clutter my apartment and get organized. I'm working on cleaning out the loft today and just found a bunch of what can only be termed as memorabilia. It would seem my packrat behavior has finally paid off in some regard because I guess part of me anticipated my memory eventually going to shit. In one of the boxes Andie packed up like 4 years ago when I moved out of my old apartment I found proof that I've actually met at least half the people I'm friends with on Facebook. I found all kinds of business cards, old demo CD's, stickers, flyers, etc. from the past 10+ years. It's like my own personal archive of how your lives intertwined with mine. The fact that I never threw it out in some way shows just how much I inadvertently care... or that maybe I even believed some day you would be famous and I could say I knew you when you first got your start. So I guess the moral of the story is: Y'all need to get famous so I can sell this shit on eBay.

12/8/2012 – Random Story of the Day: So I was watching King Ralph and felt the need to google something the movie brought up that I didn't know. I got into reading stuff about the War of the Roses and learned about heraldry badges. That prompted me to look up my own family's heraldry. Little known fact you wouldn't know unless you're related to me or I've told you, our last name shouldn't have an E on the end. When my great grandfather was in the Army he signed his name with a flourish on the end which the Army mistook as an E and at the time that equated to a legal name change. All family genealogy stuff would have to be searched as Milbourn prior to the early 1900's unless you're looking up lines perpetuated by my great grandfather's siblings. Anyway, I've always known that Milbourn means the stones in the brook by the mill and refers to Scottish land divides. Well, my family comes from Northumberland which is apparently somewhere along the actual border of England and Scotland. They also held a seat in the Scottish House of Lords back around when they came out with the Doomsday Book... that's the nice part of the story. Guess somebody pissed them off a couple centuries later when they put up some wall (like Game of Thrones but this really happened) because they stopped having any allegiance and went wild. From what I read tonight, I guess that border was the land divide... and on this border lived a rack of noble clans called "border reivers". "Reivers" means to rob or plunder. The Milbourns were among these clans. They lived in a place ravaged by war where they couldn't farm because the land sucked for growing things but was excellent for grazing so they came down from their castles and robbed people of their livestock, kidnapped people for ransom, and were ruthless mercenaries. They killed anyone who trespassed regardless of nationality, so Scottish passing through trying to invade England and English invading Scotland. The monarchies on both sides encouraged them. The Milbourn clan was part of East March more to the English side which I guess explains why we have an English family crest. During the time of the War of Roses the border reivers had their heyday. They were constantly recruited to fight for either side if paid but were uncontrollable. They would kill anyone except their kin. The problem is only they knew who they were related to so the people hiring them stood a good chance of getting screwed out of their money.. and here's my favorite part.. They could claim either nationality and described themselves as "Scottish if forced, English at will, and Reivers by the grace of blood." The modern English word for reiver is ruffian. So basically, the moral of the story is I descended from merciless killers and ruffians... But not just any merciless killers and ruffians... NOBLE merciless killers and ruffians. Now there is a paradox. And I wouldn't have learned any of this had it not been for watching King Ralph for the millionth time.

11/9/2012 – Random Story of the Day: Since I'm the real life Leslie Knope I got inspired today and actually looked into running for public office. Unfortunately, it appears I may be ineligible to run for Mayor of Fairfax because I reside just outside of the technical city limits... which sucks because I'd make an excellent Mayor. We need more parades and advertising for our museums and historical sites to draw tourists from DC and I could totally make that happen. Not only would it be fun, it would generate an increase in revenue for the museums and local business owners. Seriously, who the F doesn't like parades?!? Anyway, if I can't be Mayor, I can run for the Virginia House of Delegates. I'm tired of little rocks from construction cracking my windshield of my car and personal property taxes are ridiculously high. Not everyone in Fairfax makes a million dollars a year and can afford to pay to replace their windshield annually and then pay these skyrocketing taxes on their cars after having to constantly pay to repair said windshield. Something needs to be done about this. So, to become a candidate all I have to do is collect 100 signatures and pay a filing fee. This is actually my best road to the U.S. House of Representatives and achieving my dream of having the floor yielded to the Distinguished Lady from the Commonwealth of Virginia so I can filibuster the hell out of those people.. and I will.. for days... and you know this... Then maybe they'll get so frustrated they might actually accomplish something for once just to shut me up... So, I guess my first question is are you a registered voter currently residing in the 35th House District? My second question is will you sign my petition? My third question is would you like to contribute to my campaign (seriously, t-shirts, buttons, stickers, yard signs, and those flyers in your junk mail cost money)? And my fourth and most important question is will you Vote For Niki?

11/2/2012 – Random Story of the Day: As you know, I went to the doctor for an ear infection a few weeks ago. While the nurse was taking my blood pressure she asked me if I'd put anything in my ears. I said I only used Q-tips... Well, apparently cleaning your ears with cotton swabs is bad and you should never use them for that... Let me say this again... You should never use something specifically invented to use to clean the wax out of your ears for cleaning the wax out of your ears. They push the wax back and you can end up with wax build up. You're supposed to use hydrogen peroxide. I didn't have any hydrogen peroxide... until today. You can pick up a gigantic bottle of it at Target for $0.87, which is significantly less than a box of cotton swabs. I didn't know anything that big was that cheap. Well, I just cleaned my ears and dumped a cap full in each ear.. only maybe 1/3 of that actually got into each ear. The rest got on my shirt. It's weird and just doesn't feel right. This stuff bubbles in your ears the same way it bubbles on cuts, but when it's in your ears you can hear it. It sounds like a bowl of rice crispies once you add the milk. So now I'm covered in hydrogen peroxide and my ears are snap, crackle, popping like nobody's business. Hopefully they're at least clean now... Try it the next time you're bored.

10/17/2012 – Random Story of the Day: I used to have a dog named Lily. She was a German Shepherd/Pit Bull mix with batfox ears that pointed up so she always had ear problems. She got some bad ear infections and I would constantly have to put drops in her ears, which she hated, and put a cone around her head so she wouldn't mess with her ears, which she hated even more. She used to ram her cone covered head into things and I thought it was funny even though I was her mommy and I felt bad for laughing because I knew she was miserable. But, now I have to put drops in my ear because the doctor prescribed them for my ear infection. While these drops are freaking magical because people no longer sound like robots, they are making my ear itch inside like crazy and all I want to do is stick a giant Q-tip down in there so far it touches my brain and just wiggle it to get out the crap that is blocking it up. Since I can't do that and I keep touching my ear which I know is bad because it's not helping it, I'm thinking that I need one of those cones to put around my head so I'll leave my ear alone. Then I can ram my cone covered head into things in an attempt to both dislodge this blockage and/or also to amuse myself because this ear infection sucks ass. The moral of the story is, karma is a bitch, I miss my dog, and don't be surprised if I end up on You Tube with a cone around my head ramming into things.

10/13/2012 – Random Story of the Day: I was about to go to bed and realized I forgot to take the trash bag I set outside my door earlier down to the dumpster. I didn't want to get fined by my leasing office if they found it tomorrow morning so I put on my coat and furry boots and grabbed my flashlight. I started down the first flight of stairs, got to the landing, and heard a noise above me... I looked up and all I saw was little claws and I just froze. I stood there having a panic attack shining my flashlight at the stairs to see where this thing was hiding, which was maybe 5-6 feet from my front door. It moved and poked its bushy tail out between the stairs. I started having flashbacks to the raccoon attack and seeing black spots and hyperventilating. Well, obviously I wasn't about to walk underneath this thing... So what do I do? Ok... I took off running as fast as I could down the other side of the stairs, around the pool, up the stairs to the dumpster, shining my flashlight frantically in every direction the whole way... stopped... had an asthma attack, put my trash in the dumpster, took my phone out of pocket in case I needed to call 9-1-1, braced myself and realized I was still outside and right in the middle of raccoon central and I needed to get the fuck out of there... then took off running back down the stairs, around the pool, back up the other side of the stairs.. then I stopped.. Would you believe that fucker's stupid tail was still poking out through the steps? I started running up the rest of the stairs praying.... "Dear God, please don't let this thing attack me or follow me in when I get to my front door. I don't want to have to get another rabies series." God was on my side tonight for a change. I made it safely back inside. But the moral of the story is, I am being held captive in my apartment by an unidentified woodland creature. Can someone please check outside my front door and make sure it is gone? If not, I may get my gun and shoot it and make a fascinator out of it.... which might be considered slightly "illegal".

10/10/2012 – Random Story of the Day: I haven't had Chick-fil-a in months because I've been supporting the boycott and I've been FIENDING for some good chicken. But I'm staying strong. So, I decided to make my own and did a combo of the Chick-fil-a recipe and a simple recipe from my Better Homes & Gardens cookbook. While I was at it, I figured I'd get fancy with it and took the drippings and made country gravy. Then I threw it all on some biscuits... kind of like Chick-fil-a meets Cracker Barrel... and lemmetellyasomething... I shit you not, it was the best thing I've ever eaten. Now on the one hand, I'm sitting here wondering why I'm still single because seriously, if a chick made me this taste-gasmic mouth orgy of awesomeness I'd put a ring on it. On the other hand, I'm glad I'm by myself because that means I don't have to share or worry about getting fat from the bazillion calorie meal I just went straight buck on. So yay for me

9/30/2012 – Random Story of the Day #2: Google is the jam. In my 29 years of life, I've never once hard boiled an egg. I've eaten a ton of them, especially around Easter. I ♥ deviled eggs like no other (you're weird if you don't). I've cooked hundreds of dozens, maybe even thousands of dozens, of eggs in several other ways: scrambled, over easy, sunny side up, poached.. my omelettes are AMAZING... but never hard boiled.. until today. I found the most epic directions on WikiHow and it included pictures. This is a very involved, way more complicated process than I had ever imagined. But I'll be damned.. My eggs turned out AWESOME... not one hint of green, yolks perfectly yellow and centered, perfect texture, not even slightly rubbery. I'm super proud and feelin myself right now. I feel like I've just acquired a new skill and stepped my kitchen game up in a massive way. Move over MasterChef. It is so on.

9/30/2012 – Random Story of the Day #1: I met Bizmarkie once YEARS ago at a nightclub called Mirrors in DC. I was walking across the floor, when suddenly some dude bumped into me and almost spilled my drink. I turned around to give him a dirty look.. I looked up.. and it's MuthaF-ing BIZMARKIE. He said to me "Excuse me darlin. Sorry." I stood there paralyzed in absolute shock as he looked at me while my jaw was on the floor and all I could say back, very quietly, as he started to walk away was "Nobody beats The Biz. NOBODY beats The Biz." True story.

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